Ultrasonic and steam sterilisation
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Sterilisation Procedures
Effective Cleaning of Contaminated Equipment
When dealing with heavy, visible contamination on equipment, clean off the contamination thoroughly before placing it into any sterilisation machine. Sterilisation machines cannot effectively remove heavy contamination, which could potentially lead to re-contamination.
Usage of Ultrasonic Cleaners
Use ultrasonic cleaners strictly according to their instructions to ensure optimal function:
- Read and follow the instructions carefully.
- Contact the supplier if you have any queries regarding the unit.
- Always keep the lid or cover in place during operation.
- Place instruments in a basket of appropriate size for effective cleaning.
- Enhance efficiency with low foaming surfactants or detergents.
- Regularly clean the cleaner as per manufacturer's recommendations to prevent dirt build-up.
Steam Sterilisation
Steam sterilisation offers a rapid, non-toxic method for effective cleaning:
- Standard benchtop steam sterilisers are suitable for non-hollow, non-tubular, and non-porous items.
- Items must not be wrapped for steam sterilisation.
- For hollow or tubular items, use sterilisers with forced air removal and validation for these types of items.
- Ensure regular safety checks under Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000.
Storage and Maintenance
After sterilisation, store items correctly to prevent re-contamination:
- Follow workplace policies and practices for proper sterilisation with available machinery.
- Maintain records of sterilisation machine maintenance and operation.
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