HIV and Aids

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HIV and AIDS Overview

Transmission and Effects

Transmission: HIV is commonly transmitted through unprotected sex and sharing infected needles.

Impact: The virus weakens the immune system, leading to difficulty in fighting infections.

AIDS: AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection, resulting in an inability to combat life-threatening infections.

Treatment and Management

Treatment Options: While there is no cure for HIV, treatments allow most people to live long and healthy lives.

Symptoms and Detection

Symptoms: Many infected individuals may not show symptoms for years, which can include fever, fatigue, and more.

UK Statistics: HIV is a growing health concern in the UK with significant numbers of diagnoses and related deaths.

  • Since the early 1980s, over 97,400 cases of HIV have been reported.
  • Over 18,000 people with HIV have died.
  • There were 7,734 new diagnoses in 2007.
  • In 2007, 28% of people with HIV in the UK were unaware of their infection.

Global Impact

Global Context: In 2007, Western and Central Europe reported significant HIV statistics.

  • 730,000 people were living with HIV.
  • 27,000 new infections occurred.
  • Approximately 8,000 AIDS-related deaths were recorded.
  • 33% of new HIV diagnoses were in individuals aged 15-29 in Western Europe.

Myths and Misconceptions

Dispelling Myths: HIV is not spread through casual contact such as handshakes or sharing food.

Transmission Routes: Heterosexual sex, sharing drug injection equipment, and homosexual sex are common transmission routes.

Babies and HIV: Babies can be infected during birth or through breastfeeding, posing risks to both the child and healthcare providers.

Research and Prevention

Research: Ongoing efforts continue to find a vaccination and cure for HIV.

Prevention: Education and awareness remain crucial in preventing new infections.


HIV remains a significant global health challenge, requiring ongoing research, education, and support for affected individuals.