Colour coding in hospitals
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National Colour Coding Scheme for Hospital Cleaning
Overview of Colour Coding
Colour coding of hospital cleaning materials and equipment is crucial to prevent cross-infection by ensuring items are used only in designated areas.
National Colour Coding Scheme
The National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) has developed a National Colour Coding Scheme for cleaning materials:
- Adoption Recommendation: NHS organisations are encouraged to adopt this scheme to enhance hospital cleaning safety, ensure consistency, and provide clarity to staff.
- Standardisation: The scheme aims to standardise existing practices with minimal resource implications.
- Scope: Includes items such as cloths, mops, buckets, aprons, and gloves; excludes cleaning products like bleach and disinfectants.
Implementation Guidelines
The NPSA recommends the following guidelines for implementation:
- Policies and Action Plans: NHS trusts should develop policies and action plans to introduce the National Colour Coding Scheme.
- Raising Awareness: Staff awareness programs are essential to ensure understanding and compliance.
Colour Coding Categories
The colour coding categories are:
- Red: Bathrooms, washrooms, showers, toilets, basins, and bathroom floors.
- Blue: General areas, wards, departments, offices, and public area basins.
- Green: Catering department's ward kitchen areas and patient food service at ward areas.
- Yellow: Isolation areas.
A NHS poster detailing the colour coding is available for reference in the student download area.
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