The Chain of infection
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Understanding the Chain of Infection and Preventing Spread
The Chain of Infection
- Causative Agent: The harmful germ or pathogen responsible for infection, such as bacteria and viruses.
- Reservoir or Source: Where pathogens live and multiply, including within or on a person or animal, or in soil or water.
- Means of Exit: How pathogens leave the source, like through coughing, sneezing, broken skin, or mucous membranes.
- Mode of Transmission: How the pathogen is passed from one person to another, often through direct or indirect contact, or through the air.
- Portal of Entry: The pathway through which the pathogen enters the body, including broken skin, inhalation, ingestion, or contact with mucous membranes.
- Person at Risk: The individual who the pathogen moves to, influenced by factors like general health and immune system strength.
Preventing Infection
Preventing infection involves breaking the links in the chain of infection to stop its spread. This requires various measures, including:
- Standard Precautions: Essential actions taken in every situation to reduce infection risk, such as:
- Good hand hygiene
- Safe waste disposal
- Proper management of laundry
- Correct use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
It's important to note that not all carriers of harmful micro-organisms will display symptoms, emphasizing the need for consistent infection prevention practices.
Learning Outcomes:
- FPOS level 3 unit one LO4.4
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