Infection Control Legislation

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Infection Control Regulations: Overview and Compliance

RIDDOR Regulations

The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (2013), commonly known as RIDDOR, mandates the reporting of certain occupational exposures, including blood-borne viruses like HBV, HCV, and HIV, to the Health and Safety Executive.

  • Reportable Occurrences: Includes dangerous occurrences and injuries resulting in absence from work for three or more days due to exposure to blood-borne viruses.
  • Other Reportable Illnesses & Diseases: Outbreaks of various illnesses, poisonings, skin diseases, lung diseases, infections, and other conditions related to infection control.

COSHH Regulations

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 apply to all work involving substances hazardous to health, including microorganisms.

  • Scope: Covers hazardous substances encountered in the workplace, including chemical agents and disease organisms.
  • Main Features: Identification of hazardous substances, risk assessment, adequate control measures, health surveillance, instruction and training.

Health and Safety Regulations

Under Health and Safety Regulations, employers have a duty of care to provide a safe working environment, appropriate training, and personal protective equipment.

  • Key Responsibilities: Ensuring workplace safety, training staff, providing personal protective equipment.
  • Infection Control Policy: Care homes are required to develop customised infection control policies as part of clinical governance.

Environmental Protection

Care homes and hospitals must also address environmental protection, particularly in waste management strategies and disposal of contaminated waste.

Ensure compliance with all relevant regulations by consulting workplace policies and procedures.