Contaminated objects

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Handling and Disposal of Objects Contaminated with Bloodborne Viruses

This guide provides essential information on how to manage the risks associated with objects contaminated with blood or blood products, potentially carrying Bloodborne Viruses (BBVs).

Potential Sources of BBV Infection

Identifying contaminated objects as infection risks:

  • Objects contaminated with blood from an infected person are potential BBV sources.
  • Includes sharp objects, discarded dressings, contaminated clothing or linen, and damaged motor vehicle surfaces.

Assuming Risk of Infection

Precautionary principle in handling contaminated items:

  • Treat all items as infectious unless properly decontaminated.

Special Hazard of Sharps

Understanding the risks and handling of sharps:

  • Items causing lacerations or puncture wounds, such as needles, surgical instruments, and broken glass, are particularly hazardous.
  • These should be handled carefully, especially if contamination is known or suspected.

Safe Disposal and Decontamination of Sharps

Best practices for managing sharps:

  • Use sharps disposal containers for safe containment.
  • Avoid re-sheathing used needles and separating needles from syringes.
  • Consider sharps bins with mechanisms for safe needle removal.

Initiatives to Reduce Sharps Injuries

Measures to minimize risks:

  • Implementation of safer needle devices and needle exchange programmes.

Decontamination of Reusable Medical Equipment

Ensuring safety in medical settings:

  • Reusable medical devices must be decontaminated between uses.
  • Equipment sent for examination or repair should be decontaminated beforehand.

Adhering to these guidelines helps ensure the safety of workers and patients and reduces the risk of BBV transmission.

Learning Outcomes:
  • IPOSi Unit one LO2.1, 2.2 & 2.3