Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae or CPE
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Understanding Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE)
What is CPE?
Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) are bacteria normally found harmlessly in the gut. They can become problematic if they spread to other parts of the body, causing infections.
The Challenge of Antibiotic Resistance
CPE produce enzymes resistant to antibiotics, posing a significant challenge:
- Initially rare, CPE cases increased from five in 2006 to over 600 by 2013.
- Antibiotic resistance is a major threat to patient safety across Europe.
Public Health Response
Public Health England (PHE) is actively addressing the spread of CPE:
- Developed an awareness toolkit to educate and control transmission.
- Identifies higher risks from hospital stays abroad, exposure to carriers, or UK hospitals with infected patients.
Screening and Prevention
Screening and precautions are crucial:
- Screening involves rectal swabs or faecal samples to detect carriers.
- Patients awaiting results are isolated with dedicated facilities to prevent faecal contamination.
- Regular hand washing with soap and water is essential for patients and visitors.
Additional Measures
To prevent spread:
- Avoid unnecessary contact with medical equipment.
- Visitors should wear gloves and refrain from using patient facilities.
- Patients with infections are treated with antibiotics, whereas carriers are monitored.
After Hospital Discharge
Upon discharge, patients typically require no further action unless concerns arise:
- Infections are treated prior to discharge and monitored by GPs thereafter.
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