Hand Gels

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Effective Hand Hygiene with Alcoholic Hand Gel

Importance of Handwashing Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

Discover the significance of hand hygiene during the COVID-19 pandemic:

Using Alcoholic Hand Gel as an Alternative

When tap and anti-bacterial soap are unavailable, alcoholic hand gel serves as a suitable substitute:

  • Alcoholic hand gel is an effective alternative if traditional handwashing facilities are not accessible.
  • Ensure the hand gel contains at least 60% alcohol for optimal effectiveness.

Technique for Using Alcoholic Hand Gel

Follow these steps for proper hand hygiene with alcoholic hand gel:

  • Apply the gel to your hands, covering all surfaces.
  • Rub your hands together for 20 to 30 seconds, ensuring thorough coverage.
  • Allow the gel to air dry naturally, which typically takes less than a minute.