Hepatitis B Virus
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Comprehensive Overview of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
This guide provides detailed information about the Hepatitis B virus, including its symptoms, prevalence, transmission methods, and vaccination protocols.
Understanding Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
Key characteristics of HBV:
- Causes liver inflammation, cirrhosis, or liver cancer.
- Symptoms may include jaundice, tiredness, loss of appetite, and nausea.
- Detection through blood tests.
Global and UK Prevalence of HBV
Prevalence statistics:
- Over 350 million people worldwide are chronically infected.
- High prevalence in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and the Pacific islands.
- Declining infection rates in the UK, especially among children due to vaccinations.
Transmission of Hepatitis B
Common transmission methods:
- Sexual contact and sharing needles.
- From mother to baby during birth.
- Exposure to sharp objects in the workplace.
- Not spread through casual contact like handshakes or sharing food.
HBV and Immunity
Understanding the body's response to HBV:
- 90% of adults clear the virus within months and develop immunity.
- About 10% become chronic carriers with long-term liver damage.
Hepatitis B Vaccination
Vaccination information:
- Available and administered in three doses over six months.
- Safe and effective with no need for booster doses.
Vaccination Recommendations for Specific Professions
Professions with a higher risk of HBV exposure:
- Medical and dental office workers, first aid administrators, and those involved in custodial duties with potential blood contact.
- Employees in these professions should be offered the HBV vaccine for free.
It's crucial to be informed about HBV to take appropriate preventive measures in personal and professional settings.
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